information and analytical support, national security, information security, police, National Police of Ukraine.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to determine the essence and content of information and analytical support for police activities as a component of the system of measures to ensure the information security of the state, in particular through the use of appropriate organizational, legal and technical means by the authorized units. It has been established that the information and analytical support of police activities in all areas of authority creates prerequisites for identifying, stopping and eliminating threats to information security, as well as direct administration of such information. It has been confirmed that among the structural units of the National Police, the units of information and analytical support directly administer the use of modern information technologies by ensuring the functioning of the IPNP within the framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the operation of the relevant array of information resources of general and special legal regimes. The substantive elements of the activities of the information and analytical support units of the National Police of Ukraine are characterized, among which a significant place is allocated to the creation and support of the operation of an array of information resources, which are a set of defined groups of interconnected documented units of information that are formed and combined in the automated information systems of the sub- entities of the UES of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on certain grounds, including those specified in the list of priority information resources of the UES of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The issue of administration of relevant subsystems of the EIS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also highlighted as a significant component of information and analytical support for police activities, including special attention paid to the functioning of the Information Portal of the National Police of Ukraine. Among the above components, a decisive place in the context of the subject of research is given to the formation of databases of various nature, which are differentiated by the content of relevant information into: 1) determining (law enforcement) nature; 2) of a related or secondary character for the police within the powers of public authorities; 3) of an administrative and security nature.
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