


artillery shot, random disturbances, information technology, ballistic wave, parabolic approximation


Random disturbances are always present in artillery firing. These disturbances cannot be eliminated during the preparation for firing. In practice, they are compensated for by consecutive shooting adjustment. Modern counter-battery tactics require minimizing the time of artillery units' firing exposure. Such tactics are the only way to preserve the combat capability and existence of the artillery units. In this regard, methods for verifying each artillery shot are very relevant. Verification is understood as confirming the effectiveness of the shot immediately after it is made. Verification as an assessment of the error in the coordinates of the projectile's burst can be carried out using optical or radar observation, or sound reconnaissance systems. However, the use of additional means is not always possible and effective. In this regard, verification methods based on the analysis of acoustic fields generated by firing are promising. Progressive information technologies are used for such analysis. A method for verifying the shot with the registration of the ballistic wave created by a projectile flying along a ballistic trajectory at supersonic speed is proposed. The signal of the ballistic wave is recorded by a distributed system of acoustic sensors located along the firing line. Based on the moments of arrival of the ballistic wave registered by the sensors, a system of approximating parabolas is constructed. The solution of the system allows for the determination of the expected point of the projectile's burst before it lands. The deviation of the burst point from the aiming point verifies the quality of the artillery shot. Simulation modeling of the proposed method has been carried out. It is demonstrated that parabolic approximation effectively compensates for random disturbances in firing. A comparison of the proposed method with the method of disturbance compensation by consecutive shooting adjustment has been conducted. It is shown that the proposed method significantly reduces the time of firing exposure of the weapon and the expenditure of projectiles to hit the target. The effectiveness of the verification method is confirmed by natural field testing.


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How to Cite

Максимов, М. В., Гульцов, П. С., Болтьонков, В. О., & Максимов, О. М. (2024). METHOD FOR VERIFICATION OF ARTILLERY FIRING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF RANDOM DISTURBANCES. Maritime Security, (1), 36-49.

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