
  • O. V. Stukalina




terrorist crime, terrorist organization, terrorism, terrorist act, modern world, prevention


The article examines the complex of theoretical and practical problems of prevention and criminological characteristics of terrorist crime, analyzes its historical origins and patterns of evolution, studies the most dangerous and deadly terrorist organizations in the world, defines the peculiarities of the deterministic complex, proposes the main directions and concrete measures for the prevention of terrorist crime in modern conditions. It has been established that terrorist crime as a phenomenon of social and political life has existed for quite a long time, but the volumes that this threat has reached today are unprecedented. It was found that, according to international statistical information, from 2007 to 2022, about 171,717 acts of terrorism were recorded in the world. Only as of 2022, 3,955 acts of a terrorist nature were registered at the international level, while the number of deaths from this criminal activity was 6,701 people. It has been proven that in 2014-2022, terrorist crime in the countries of the world was characterized by stable patterns and differences in quantitative and qualitative indicators. It was revealed that the geography of terrorism is continuously expanding by the countries of the world, as a result, there are almost no countries left that are not subject to its socially dangerous influence. It was found that in 2022, about 162 countries of the world suffered from crimes of a terrorist nature. It was determined that the countries most affected by terrorist crime in 2022 are: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Somalia, Mali, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Myanmar, Niger. It has been established that terrorist crime undermines the world economy, from the beginning of 2000 to the present, material losses from terrorism around the world have increased approximately 3-fold. It has been proven that a rational solution to the problem of terrorist crime is the design of public places – buildings and infrastructure, which would take into account the security requirements against terrorist attacks. Proposed countermeasures against terrorist crime in the modern world.


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How to Cite

Стукаліна, О. В. (2023). TERRORIST CRIME IN THE MODERN WORLD: PATTERNS, DETERMINATION AND PREVENTION. Maritime Security, (2), 146-154. https://doi.org/10.32782/msd/2023.2.21