



declaring person missing, declaring person dead, person missing under special circumstances, establishing fact of person’s death, martial law


The purpose of this article is to determine the essence and content of the temporal limitations of the right to recognize a person as missing and declare him dead during martial law, in particular through the development of theoretical, normative and empirical material on the specified issue. It has been established that the legal institutions of recognizing a person as missing and declaring him dead are a manifestation of the legal presumption of the fact of the existence of a physical person alive in the first case and the fact of his death in the second. The circle of persons who can exercise the right to recognize a person as missing and declare him dead has been singled out. The latter include those interested in the context of the satisfaction of their interests of a material and legal nature, arising from certain relationships with the person to whom these presumptions should be applied. Therefore, the perception of the content of civil legal relations regarding the recognition of a person as missing or declaring him dead due to the indirect involvement of legal time as a component of the mechanism of their legal regulation is recognized as correct. The place of temporal values in the legal construction of recognizing a person as missing and declaring him dead under normal circumstances is determined, as well as the corresponding features of legal time in the legal regulation of the above relations during the martial law are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to simplifying the specified procedures when applying the legal status of persons who have disappeared under special circumstances, in particular those that are the subject of this study. In connection with this, legislative proposals were provided to ensure the implementation of the principle of legal certainty in the regulation of the considered legal institutions. Considerations are also expressed regarding the specifics of the application of legal time in the area of implementing the construction of establishing the fact of a person’s death at a certain time in comparison with declaring a person dead under the conditions of martial law.


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How to Cite

Маковій, В. П. (2023). TEMPORAL LIMITATIONS ON THE RIGHT TO RECOGNIZE A PERSON AS MISSING AND DECLARING THEM DEAD DURING THE STATE OF MARTIAL. Maritime Security, (2), 109-114. https://doi.org/10.32782/msd/2023.2.16