



hybrid war, forced migration, internally displaced persons


The article examines the hybrid war between russia and Ukraine in 2022–2023 and the forced migration of internally displaced persons as a result of it. The goal is to consider forced migration as a consequence of the hybrid war in Ukraine in 2022–2023 and the hybrid war itself, which led to the forced migration of Ukrainians – the object of the study. The subject of scientific research is the specified regularities of the formation and flow of the processes of the hybrid war in Ukraine in 2022–2023, which led to the forced migration of Ukrainians. To analyze the concepts of “hybrid war” and “migration” with clarification regarding the forced abandonment of the place of residence in conditions of war and resettlement to safer areas of residence in the middle of the country, which involved the introduction of the term “internally displaced persons”. The russian hybrid threat is characterized as a danger to Ukrainian society that causes forced population migration. Efforts were made to highlight forced migration as a consequence of the hybrid war in Ukraine in 2022–2023 and the hybrid war itself, which led to the forced migration of Ukrainians. The results of an empirical study are presented, which show the variability of the survival of internally displaced persons who were forced to leave their places of permanent residence as a result of the negative consequences of the war. It is noted that the theoretical and practical significance of the obtained results of scientific research lies in the study of the hybrid war in Ukraine in 2022–2023 and forced migration as its consequence. It is indicated that the obtained results can become the basis for the further solution of urgent theoretical and practical problems arising under the conditions of waging a hybrid war in Ukraine in 2022–2023. This will make it possible to qualitatively apply the achievements of scientific thought in solving today’s problems and determine ways to solve them for specific practical needs, when several million Ukrainians in the conditions of a hybrid war with russia were forced to leave their homes and become internally displaced persons with new questions and issues of survival.


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How to Cite

Козловська, Л. В., & Воропай, С. В. (2023). HYBRID WAR IN UKRAINE IN 2022–2023 AND FORCED MIGRATIONAS ITS CONSEQUENCE. Maritime Security, (2), 79-85. https://doi.org/10.32782/msd/2023.2.12