


electronic communication network, radio communication, tropospheric communication, tropospheric communication stations, tropospheric communication lines, satellite connection, directions of development, combined stations


The trends in the development of communications equipment used in command and control systems for troops and weapons depend significantly on changes in the nature of modern combat operations. The implementation of the above trends should be carried out on the basis of the global interaction of operational formations, formations, units and subunits, the technological excellence of the troops and the information advantage by conducting military operations in a single information space or using unified information and control networks (NCW – Network Centric Warfare). The NCW functioning platform is an integrated system of electronic communications, consisting of different types and types of communication. Tropospheric communication is one of the types of radio communication, along with radio relay and satellite, used in an integrated electronic communications system. The effectiveness of the use of tropospheric stations for organizing communications in the armies of the most developed countries has been repeatedly proven by the results of operational monitoring, and the possibility of their use in favor of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is justified by the programs for the development of both the Armed Forces in general and the control system in particular. The high efficiency of tropospheric links is due to a smaller number of relay stations compared to line-of-sight radio relay lines, the ability to work in hard-to-reach areas, high deployment mobility and communication stability. High mobility during operation, the absence of demassing signs and the minimum number of support personnel favorably distinguish tropospheric stations from other means of communication. The radio signals of the tropospheric communication station from the point of transmission to the point of reception arrive due to their scattering on the inhomogeneities of the troposphere. The specificity of tropospheric radio links determines the pronounced multipath nature of signal propagation, causing fast fading and significant signal attenuation. The phenomenon of distant tropospheric propagation, incomprehensible from the standpoint of diffraction theory in a homogeneous troposphere, is described using scattering theory, which requires a deep knowledge of physical phenomena and uses practically proven empirical formulas and graphs in engineering methods for calculating communication lines. The development of new and modernization of existing tropospheric radio communication stations are becoming increasingly important at the present time, and development directions are focused on the creation of small-sized troposthene communication stations, which additionally have the functions of radio relay stations. This direction necessitates the use of mathematical and simulation modeling in the creation and testing of equipment for tropospheric radio communication lines.


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How to Cite

Ільченко, О. О., Бондаренко, Л. О., Бондаренко, Т. В., Бондаренко, О. Є., & Ткаченко, А. Л. (2023). SELECTION AND SUBSTANTIATION OF THE STRUCTURE OF A MODEL OF SMALL STATIONS OF TROPOSPHERIC COMMUNICATIONS FOR SPECIAL PURPOSE. Maritime Security, (2), 59-67.

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