


psychological operations, America, Europe, Ukrainian emigrants


The article examines America’s psychological operations during the Second World War, America’s PSYOP programs with the participation of Ukrainian emigrants who settled in Europe, Canada and America. They followed the work of the psychological programs of USIS, sought to analyze the information space and learn to approach the issues of information consumption more consciously, tried to understand the mechanisms of information influence and move to its perception, learned to identify propaganda, fakes and manipulations in the information space in order not to fall under their influence. The purpose of the research is to analyze America’s psychological operations during World War II and their impact on Ukrainian emigrants. The tasks of the research are based on the need for a comprehensive understanding of the psychological operations of America during the Second World War and their impact on Ukrainian emigrants, reflected in the relevant scientific studies, which allows for the qualitative application of the acquisition of scientific thought in the present, when about eight million Ukrainians are at war with Russia were forced to leave their homes and emigrate to Europe. Accordingly, the object of scientific research has become the psychological operations of America during the Second World War and their impact on Ukrainian emigrants, and the subject reflects the regularities of the formation and flow of these processes. The article notes that Ukrainian emigrants familiarized themselves with PSYOP tools, which were supposed to help them resist manipulation in the information space, saw in such measures the prospect of self-realization in the conditions of war and departure from their homeland, and sought to develop information analysis skills. USIS, which distributed American propaganda publications among the local population of Europe, also used the help of Ukrainian emigrants, who distributed propaganda materials. This helped our compatriots to learn to recognize various types of manipulation so as not to become their victims. These provisions can be used by almost eight million Ukrainian emigrants today, who were forced to leave their homes and immigrate to Europe during the war with Russia.


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How to Cite

Козловська, Л. В., Кубіцький, Р. О., & Ільченко, О. С. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS OF AMERICA DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR AND THEIR IMPACT ON UKRAINIAN EMIGRANTS. Maritime Security and Defense, (2), 86-91.