international security, national security, security guaranteesAbstract
The article examines certain aspects of international security as a factor of the state's national security. It was noted that the temporary occupation of part of the Ukrainian territories in 2014 and the full-scale invasion of Russia in 2022 put the issue of national security at the forefront, because the preservation of the Ukrainian state and the survival of its citizens is the most important and extremely difficult task in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. It was determined that the study of the issue of national security helps to develop and improve the policy and strategy of ensuring the security of the state, to identify the threats and challenges facing the Ukrainian nation. It was analyzed that the ratio of national and international security institutions indicates their conditionality and mutual influence, since each of the types of security aims to solve identical issues at the level of the state and the international community as a whole, in particular, issues of social, economic, political security and ensuring peace, overcoming international crises cannot be considered in isolation of an individual country from the international community. It is emphasized that in the conditions of a systemic crisis of international law, a multipolar world is forming, the architecture of international security is changing with a decrease in the dominance of individual states, existing international security rules and institutions are losing their effectiveness, political and diplomatic means of ensuring security are ineffective, the role of international collegial security institutions is being devalued and their displacement by the relevant coalition subjects of international relations.It is emphasized that the architecture of international security is influenced by such factors as international conflicts and wars; terrorism; the influence of the aggressor countries and their agents on the functioning of the institutional component of the international security system; proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; increase in the population of certain countries; significant development of the economies of individual states; competitive struggle for sales markets; fragmentation of the international legal environment; rivalry between countries for expanding the geography of influence; climate change and environmental problems, global regionalization, etc. It was noted that there is currently a need to create new universal mechanisms for ensuring international security, which in turn will change the mechanism of national security of individual countries, taking into account the long-term forecast of the international situation in the world and at the regional level.
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