negotiator, negotiations, special operations, professional training, release of hostages, interlocutorAbstract
In the course of their professional activities, police officers often have to negotiate with offenders, individual criminals and criminal groups. It is known that negotiation is one of the non-violent ways of fighting crime, based on the law, morality, psychology, which defines a dialogue in a number of criminal situations with criminals (criminal organizations, societies, groups) with the aim of dissuading them from further criminal activity, and as well as active assistance in the detection and investigation of crimes, the search and arrest of the persons who committed them, the elimination of the damage caused, the acquisition of operational and forensically significant information. Professional conduct of police negotiations by parliamentarians is an important component of negotiations during special operations carried out by the bodies and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in particular during the detention of armed criminals and the release of hostages. The huge responsibility placed on the negotiator requires his preparation and a whole set of qualities necessary for conducting negotiations. Analysis of professional training of a negotiator necessarily assumes that the latter must also be a psychologist. He must be able to establish psychological contact, skillfully use deviations from the topic of negotiations, not lose the initiative and not deviate from his dominant or parity position, etc. Negotiation has become a key concept, thanks to which it is possible not only to reach a consensus, but also in some cases to avoid bloodshed, in particular, when negotiating with criminals. To a large extent, the success of this operation will depend on the training of professional parliamentarians. It is about this important moment during special operations for the detention of armed criminals and the release of hostages that we want to highlight in the context of this scientific article. This scientific article examines the issue of professional training of police officers for negotiations with criminals during special operations to detain armed criminals and release hostages. The conditions for effective training of negotiators have been defined and substantiated.
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