crime, juveniles, crime, trends, selfish motive, crimeAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the current state and trends in the commission of self-interested crimes among minors. It is emphasized that the majority of self-interested crimes committed by minors are committed in conditions of non-obviousness, that is, a significant part of such crimes is committed by a group of persons, to a certain extent, with the participation of peers or adults who encourage illegal actions. There is a self-interested orientation of juvenile delinquency, combined with an increase in the level of professional skills. The study of age characteristics of personality formation is one of the most important conditions for solving problems related to juvenile delinquency, in particular, the formation of the personality of a juvenile criminal. Attention is paid to the analysis of the current state of research on the commission of self-interested crimes among minors. In particular, it is stated that according to the results of research by scientists, a considerable number of minors (persons aged 14 to 18 years) belong to various types of situational types of criminals who commit crimes due to formed circumstances, situations, under the influence of impulses. The inability to control their emotions, control their feelings, assess the situation, find compromises leads them to commit crimes with signs of particular cruelty, causing physical or moral harm. The need to develop an optimal structure of state bodies and public organizations, one of the main tasks of which will be the fight against juvenile delinquency, is substantiated. Active supervision and control by social services, implementation of complex programs of re-education and psychological rehabilitation of such minors, in our opinion, is one of the ways to solve the problem of crime. Attention is focused on the need to reform the current legislation in the field of criminal policy regarding minors as one of the most vulnerable, in the criminal sense, strata of the population, as well as bringing the national legislation into line with international standards and its effective implementation in practice.
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