



material and technical support, logistics, echeloning, operational accounting, inventory management process, discrete optimization method, inventory generation models, additional inventory


To determine the optimal justified volumes of additional stocks of necessary repair equipment and combat equipment for the technical support of the actions of transport logistics units, it is advisable to apply the method of discrete optimization. This requires consideration of the following issues: setting tasks for optimization of time, volume and echeloning of additional stocks for actions during the entire time required for the full execution of the task; substantiation of the theory of solving the task of optimization of time, volume and echeloning of additional stocks of these means in order to comprehensively ensure the operation of transport logistics units; determining the volume of additional reserves to ensure these actions based on taking into account forecast losses and costs of reserves, in the event of a combat confrontation with enemy attacks; solving the task of a specific required number of additional supplies, which should be delivered under conditions of need for the successful completion by transport logistics units of the final part of their combat mission, even in the event that part of the supplies is spent or lost due to the actions of the enemy. Therefore, making a decision to optimize the time, volume and echelon of additional stocks for the technical support of transport logistics units without forecasting likely hostilities and risks leads to large losses and irrational distribution of resources.


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How to Cite

Дем’янчук, Б. О., Маханьков, В. А., Малиновський, О. А., & Щеглов, А. І. (2023). ОПТИМІЗАЦІЯ ОБСЯГІВ ДОДАТКОВИХ МАТЕРІАЛЬНИХ ЗАПАСІВ І БОЙОВОГО ЕКІПІРУВАННЯ ПІДРОЗДІЛІВ ТРАНСПОРТНОЇ ЛОГІСТИКИ. Maritime Security and Defense, (2), 26-32. https://doi.org/10.32782/msd/2023.2.5